Friday 25 October 2013

Chapter 5: Individual Statement

A true and once in a life time experience...
a Little Sharing of our Kampung Experience...

Our sweet, sour, bitter and hot (literally translate from Chinese proverb), means our joy and hard time experiences in village. One thing we can never deny is, we truly enggaged into this Kampong experience.

Chong Yiteng

Kampong visit can be one of the closest retreat for every Malaysian. Quiet and calm environment, fresh air and peaceful scenery, warming and friendliness of local people. The atmosphere in the village slows down the time, gives more space for a mind to relax. I truly enjoy myself there.

I personally agree that kampong should remain traditional, perhaps, if can be redevelop to upgrade the lifestyle of the local people. Redevelop doesn't mean it has to be modernise like the rest of Malaysia. The traditional architecture within the village has to be well preserved, the lifestyle of local remain undisturbed. Here, for the convenient of the people to travel around, by adding more public transportation  like buses, encourages more connections. Next, upgrade the telecommunication services which cover the television, radio and internet. With this, the local isn’t isolated latest happenings around Malaysia, as well as the globe.  With these small development, it can bring big benefits for the people, it allows more network between the city and the village.

Kampong at Hulu Langat is definitely one of the significant identity of Malaysian architecture. From the last visit, I can clearly identify the traditional Malay houses as they are rich with all the elements of native timber construction methods. Traditional Malay timber architecture in Malaysia has to be well preserved. 

Ervin Chua Yi Wei

My kampong life experiences at Hulu Langat are pretty AWESOME. The people there are kind and cheerful more than I can expect. I really like this kind of place. As living in kampong life, it feel like living a simple life where there is no rush of anything, no wifi and less stress which make me feel free of any thing. Like this kind of places, I really feel the freedom of getting away from technology and everything is manually especially during the preparation of the Hari Raya Aidiladha. During that preparation, the environment there feels so natural where everybody helping each other and no one is playing with their phone except for camera man that use camera. It really makes the relationship of architecture student, Mak Cik, and Pak Cik closer. On the next day which is the Hari Raya Aidiladha, the experience of that time is totally wonderful because everybody gather together along with the Mak Cik and Pak Cik which help us and give us knowledge during the preparation. On that time, it really pays off of our hard work during the preparation as the Mak Cik and Pak Cik also happy to joint us with the success of organizing this Hari Raya Aidiladha event.

In my opinion, the kampong should remain the traditional because it is a place where people get out of a busy city. It can be a family place and a holiday location as the place is very peaceful and interesting place. This is a place where people get knowledge and enjoying the traditional style of making thing. It also is a place of full of memory for whom who style there and has being visited there.

The kampong is one of the significant identities of Malaysia Architecture. For example, the timber house that being built at that kampong for long time ago which have strong identities of Malaysia Architecture. The timber house is built in such ways that really suit the climate of Malaysia. This kind of house still can being seeing at the kampong and people are still built and applying the concept of that timber house which is consider as a success concept the suit Malaysia climate. 

Leow Zyn-Z

Remain or not. Firstly, I want to introduce myself, my name is z. I came from Alor Star, Kedah. That was a place that full of paddy field and kampung houses. No matter where you stop your car or you journey around Alor Star, there will be the image of kampung houses and if you are lucky, you will see they harvesting the paddy. The goldness of paddy and the natural wood colour of kampung can actually locked you heart from inside. The beauty of the traditional of our country, Malaysia, should not change from decade to decade, it should and must remain as the same for the whole lifetime. Have you ever seen a boy that play football with only their bare foots on the field that created by themselves?
Try to imagine that if there was no grass around the kampung. Where will the kids play? Where will the kids find their happiness? 

Beauty, Kampung vs Urban City
KAMPUNG, a small village or community of houses in Malay-speaking lands. Urban city, you can found it in every country. There was urban city in Malaysia too, and it was nice too. But the destructive of something that remains is too cruel for the traditional culture. 
Appreciate that belongs to the earth.

Malaysia, a country that full of tropical nature and races of peoples. Malaysia come from the word Malay, which was the main races in our country. So, that means that the identity of Malaysia architecture should be full of the culture design. It was similar with Vernacular Architecture. Vernacular architecture was the identity of natural and sustainability.

The comparison between old vernacular design and modern vernacular design.

This was so important that it will gives the impression the tourist that came to our country. The one of the main sources of economic is through travelling destination. If a country was not significant by its own building, then there was no identity for the country to show. Talking about Malaysia, what will our mind come out first if talk about Malaysia. Traditional and natural. That’s the main elements that show and emphasis Malaysia architecture.

Valerie Tan Wei Pin

Coming to an end of this remarkable trip of visiting Hulu Langat Village at Kuala Lumpur. It was quite an experience for all of us who took part in this history project. From the beginning of this project it wasn’t that pleasing when all group members needed to choose a traditional house to write about and we need to come across all sorts of hardship making the project work. Insects bites, hot sun, research, ideas and discussion failures etc. All these experience has helped us all to learnt and understand the meaning of team work and to solve the problems as a team.

On the other hand we have gotten to learnt and appreciate the way of how the local villagers work and live together in a harmonious way of life. To be precise, it is how we acknowledge of how the Malay race live like in their daily activity of the every bits and little things they did or done in their daily lives. By interviewing one of the family in this village, we deeply understand and appreciate on how they work well with each other in a peaceful way. At the activity held for example like building house for the poor- one in the village, having gotong-royong annually, having feast during certain festival (Hari Raya, Hari Raya Haji etc). All this activities helped have create a great bonding with each other in the village. By this it helps to unite and have the idea of respecting one another. Which is very crucial because nowadays in this society it is very rare for people to acknowledge one another even they are neighbors.

Not to forget by understanding how traditional Malay house works and constructed, it gives us the basic idea and the functions of the house which includes with the passive design and how they construct adapting on the local climate. Educating architecture students like us, empowering our design thinking would definitely improve us in our design thinking.

Lastly for my perspective point of view, it is good that the village have been remaining the traditional way for their construction, although some alteration on the construction is done due to technology nowadays. The Village from Hulu Langat has shown the significant identity of Malaysia in architectural aspects. Due to the layout of housing by the road side or all around the village and the style of Malay house is very obvious from the first day of visiting. It is a fundamental style of the Malay traditional house. If this type of houses are not remained then there will be no more symbol for the identity of Malaysian Architecture any more. 

Tan Yanxian

This whole project of exploring a ‘kampung’, Malay village in Hulu Langat from learning their history, knowing the villagers to experiencing of their culture and lifestyle is indeed an amazing experience to me. They live a simple and happy lifestyle which are quite different from us who are living in a busy city. The people are friendlier, the air is fresher, the grasses are greener and the water is cleaner. My journey to the kampung with my groupmates was welcomed warmly by Pak Cik Bakar and his family. Though our 3hours conversation, I can feel that the people living in the kampung are very friendly, helpful and scratching each other’s back.

During the last trip to the kampung, we were celebrating the Hari Raya Aidiladha with the villagers. The first day was the preparation day to cook the food. Everyone got their hands dirty and helped out of each other’s task. We were so blessed that the Pak Cik (uncles) and Mak Cik (aunties) were there to guide us and together cooking the food. They even cracked jokes with us too. That’s ‘gotong-royong’ in Malay sayings. Although it’s tiring, but the learning experience has made it worth the sweats. The celebration on the next day was a fun moment. Everyone dressed up handsomely and prettily in traditional costumes to lighten up the celebration. We enjoyed the food that we cooked as well as the villagers who celebrated this festival with us in the hall. The event was a great success under the cooperation and teamwork spirits contributed by everyone and this would be a remarkable memory to me.

Without any doubt, the kampung should remain tradition in its form and culture in my opinion. Kampung is still the living place of many people, although the population has decreased over the time. Modernizing a kampung is not a solution to overcome the problems and difficulties faced by the villagers. Indeed, the authorizer should planned and reorganize the facilities to them to ease their daily life. In fact, the greater impact of modernizing a kampung will only be eliminating one of Malaysia’s important identity and equally to the act of forgetting our own roots.           

The kampung is definitely a significant identity of Malaysian architecture. The pitched roof, louvered walls, raised floors and the use of timbers are easily recognized and a beautiful art and culture that we should preserved. This uniqueness from our country has also become a famous landmark and icon to the tourists. Malaysian architecture should be practiced and continued to ensure this valuable art does not extinct and appreciated over the generations. 

Paniz Darabi

In this project, we have studied about Malaysian History, culture and Architecture styles, studied and searched on some case studies, and come up with some information and sketches, also preparing and celebrating Hari Raya with kampong villagers in Hulu Langat. 

During this short trip we had appreciated how the people in kampong live together and do their daily lives. They were happier than people in crowded cities, because they have fresh air to breath, fresh food to eat, there is no stress and traffic. Instead of high rise buildings, there is more green area, trees, and flowers. 

The preparation day was a bit tiring and takes a long time to make some food. However, we learnt how to cook some Malay food, which taste good. The second day was celebration day which was nice, because we all dressed up Malay dresses, Which was new to most of us. 

Malaysian Architecture was seen there a lot. Pitched roofs, High floors and wooden structure are the main features. Timber houses as one of the well known example  that adapt Malaysian climate and it is a Passive architecture. 

In my opinion, the kampong is nice and amazing itself and remain tradition kampong can save the traditional Architecture, culture and lifestyle in many aspects like celebrations, dresses, foods and all the other things that has changed in the rest of Malaysia because of merging with technology.


Chapter 4.2: How to make Ketupat?

Dear all, have you all tried satay before? Do you know that Ketupat is part of the dish with satay? Have you ever wonder how to make it?

Well, it isn't hard to make, the only difficult part is LEARNING~

Before that, allow us to introduce what Ketupat is. 


It is a typical dishes of Southeast Asian, rice being wrapped with woven leaves of coconut trees when they are still young. Diamond shape ketupat is most prevalent at the time of the celebration of Hari Raya, when people of Muslim celebrate the end of fasting month .Usually this dish is accompanied with curry or satay gravy or any other preferred manner.

The art of making and ketupat is very unique and not so hard and do not use tools other than scissors or a knife, techniques in making ketupat simple because it takes just a few steps of tying it is quite simple and easy to remember. For illustration below are few simple stages of showing step by step tutorial on the onion weave.


Ingredient :
1 cup raw rice  = 5 ketupat casings (medium size)
Water for boiling  (a lot)

  1. Wash empty ketupats casings and set aside to drain.
  2. For 150 medium ketupat casings,we used about 2.5  kilos of plain local rice (we used Kedah Beras Tempatan)
  3. Wash rice and then set aside to dry. It is easier to fill up ketupats when rice is dry, or the rice will stick to fingers.
  4. Make the ketupat opening larger at the end where the longer leaves are and fill up to 1/4 full of the casings with rice.
  5. Seal that opening by tightening the leaves with a pulling motion. Knot them twice.
  6. At the opposite end of the ketupat casings where there are two short parts of the coconut leaves jutting out, tuck the loose ends into the ketupat to seal the hole.
  7. Boil a large pot of water (add 3 tbsps of salt) with ketupats. Lower heat to small and simmer the filled ketupats for 2 hours (depending on the amount making), ensuring that they are covered with water at all times,  i.e. refill water when the water level goes down. This makes the ketupat rice last longer and not go bad easily in a few days.

Making Process, a step by step guide. 

Final outcome:

Chapter 4.1: Hari Raya Aidiladha at the Kampung

Hari Raya Aidiladha

Food Preparation & Celebration Timeline

Food preparation... Ketupat and Lemang

Food preparation... Ketupat, Dodol, Rendang

Our Delicious Food

All of us were pleasant and happy when we finished our cooking, all the hard time we went through was worth it and the food was delicious. 

Proudly presents... A cooking from UCSI interior and architecture students...


feeling hungry? =P

Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration!!! 

Our so-called "Fashion" 

(ps: is Malaysian traditional clothing)

from left: Valerie Tan, Chong Yiteng, Ervin Chua, Timothy (hidden behind), Ms. Sue, Yanxian, Leow Zyn-Z & Paniz
Traditional Costume name:
Punjabi suit - Ms. Sue
Baju Kurung - Yanxian
Baju Melayu - Leow Zyn-Z
Baju Kebaya - Paniz

A video of events and happenings

Thursday 29 August 2013

Chapter 3: The Malay House

The Malay house is the type of house that we can commonly found in the Kampung Dusun Tua. The people here still preserving the tradition of the Malay house although some renovations and repairing has been taken place through the years. However the basic similarities are still remained as such they are built in wood and it's roof is generally pitched to quickly drain the large amount of water during raining season. To protect the residents from flood, the floors are raised above the ground on stilts. The raised floors also help with the ventilation of the houses as it catches winds of higher velocity.

House of Encik Bakar bin Moton

There are few traditional rituals that need to be followed during the construction of the house. This is important to bring blessings and good luck to the owner and his family. First of all, the owner needs to get the opinions and advises from the elders or experienced relatives. This is crucial so that the site location does not oppose any Malay customs and taboo. For ancient Malays, the site location is very valuable because it will be inherited by the next generation.

After the site is chosen, the process of installing the posts is taken place during the 'good moon' period to avoid any accidents and disaster to the owner. Next, the prayers will be held. The constructions will be started as so with the blessings from the Allah s.w.t. The whole construction is based on the 'gotong-royong' basis, which is mutual-help approaches among the villagers. As the Malay saying goes, "berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing". Which means everyone helps among each other and to get blessings from the elders who have more experience in their family life.

Plan of Malay House

The indications of public spaces and private spaces of the Malay house.

Form & Spaces
Front elevation and Rear elevation
Left elevation & Right elevation

Exploded axonometric that shows the activities of each space.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Chapter 2: Key Public Building

Yo peeps! We are back for the second chapter of this module. In this post, we will be sharing on the public building that you may find out in Kampung Dusun Tua. Where will you head to when you are feeling uneasy or injured? As you read through this entire post, you will have deeper understanding of the health care centre that is located in this village. 

Kementerian Kesihatan Klinik Desa Batu 16
This clinic operates under the governmental administration where the local people are charged by only RM 1/visit. However, the services are also given to the foreign people with slightly more expensive charges of RM 15. The aim is to create an affordable medical treatment for everyone in the village. The location of this clinic is also very strategic, which is built beside the Jalan Utama B52. This is important because it is easily accessible during emergency situation. Whereas the operation hour is from 10am to 10pm daily. Besides thtt, this clinic is monitored by the Health Department so-called as Jabatan Kesihatan to ensure that all the facilities and medicine supplies are sufficient al all time.
The sketches of the local clinic in Batu 16

Floor plan of the clinic

Left elevation & Right Elevation

Front elevation & Rear Elevation

Section A & Section B

The followings are the design principles of the this local clinic :

Design principles that are applied on this public building

The skeleton structure of this building

The exploded axonometric that shows the activity of the building

The diagrams and sketches spoke them all. We hope that you will have better understanding towards this building after scrolling down the page. And we shall see you again in the next post. Stay tuned!
*lights off