Thursday 29 August 2013

Chapter 3: The Malay House

The Malay house is the type of house that we can commonly found in the Kampung Dusun Tua. The people here still preserving the tradition of the Malay house although some renovations and repairing has been taken place through the years. However the basic similarities are still remained as such they are built in wood and it's roof is generally pitched to quickly drain the large amount of water during raining season. To protect the residents from flood, the floors are raised above the ground on stilts. The raised floors also help with the ventilation of the houses as it catches winds of higher velocity.

House of Encik Bakar bin Moton

There are few traditional rituals that need to be followed during the construction of the house. This is important to bring blessings and good luck to the owner and his family. First of all, the owner needs to get the opinions and advises from the elders or experienced relatives. This is crucial so that the site location does not oppose any Malay customs and taboo. For ancient Malays, the site location is very valuable because it will be inherited by the next generation.

After the site is chosen, the process of installing the posts is taken place during the 'good moon' period to avoid any accidents and disaster to the owner. Next, the prayers will be held. The constructions will be started as so with the blessings from the Allah s.w.t. The whole construction is based on the 'gotong-royong' basis, which is mutual-help approaches among the villagers. As the Malay saying goes, "berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing". Which means everyone helps among each other and to get blessings from the elders who have more experience in their family life.

Plan of Malay House

The indications of public spaces and private spaces of the Malay house.

Form & Spaces
Front elevation and Rear elevation
Left elevation & Right elevation

Exploded axonometric that shows the activities of each space.

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